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March in California, I have eight raised beds (sides made out of 12x12" pavers so they're permanent, glued together with landscape glue <--yes, that's a thing). Most are four by seven feet. I trellis a lot to expand the space.

Beets in the window boxes on the railing of the balcony. The closest bed is giving up peas, radishes and and tomatoes from an early grape tomato volunteer. Swiss chard, peas and beans planted and up, as well as all the squashes. Most of those are four inches now.

The hoops are made out of drip irrigation tubing recycled, and hold the floating row covers in the winter for year-round harvesting. That's why I'm getting tomatoes in March.

Ellen-SoCal 5 Mar 7
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Nice set up. Great work.

BDair Level 8 Apr 1, 2020

I would think stone is great for raised beds as it can keep the bed warm even at night.


Beautiful garden!


Very impressive . Never heard of that glue , nor ever thought of using pavers on their edges . I have lots of pavers stacked and waiting to be recycled somewhere . Thank you for the concept !

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 7, 2020

I have used these for several years now, and they work well. I had to move one of the beds (bizzy brain made a change in a design), and breaking them apart was tough, but worked by fulcruming them with another pager. They are put in one by one, leveled, and then glued to its neighbor. Makes eight-inch deep beds, and no wood rot.

My dry climate here means I do have to water often. I do have frosts, but no heaving of the ground.

If you have a veggie or any garden where you don'y plant , lay them out after leveling , everyplace you plant one you get no weeds. I used to pave my garden with scavanged pavers, plus all around the plot of my property I pulled them for various reasons. I may go back to raised beds this year and then again pave everything that isn't food or grass, (lawn kind,,,, but one day perhaps). Then I can garden easier and no/less weeds.

Coroplast become available after election season. As politico's do NOT return and remove their signage. I used it for underlayment of rock beds, a walkway. I showed a friend how to use in his garden he thanked me a lot. He had almost no weeds. I got him to seal the edges with silicone then gorilla glue them like a giant auto sunscreen, then chop out circles for plants. Extra hole were added all over, but each had the most expensive weed barrier glued over on both sides. He was amazed how it worked for him. He layed pavers down the walking areasand all around.

I love the glue concept for the blocks but we get freeze thaw and ground heave. I will need to go down 3 1/2-4 feet and lay cinderblock. But the effect is quite nice.

thanks for posting

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