5 8

So I've tried again to make a video. I only included the side garden this time and I did add narration. Unfortunately I did mention nurseries or individuals I got some plants from which may not be of much interest beyond my local area. But I did get it down to about four and a half minutes. For your consideration, taken today in Berkeley.

MarkWD 7 Apr 12
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Thank you for adding a narrative ! Your garden is amazing!

Robecology Level 9 Apr 16, 2020

Do yu have a link to this. My best friend in Seattle is a landscape architect and I would love to show him this video.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 13, 2020

Not sure whether posting the link will just cause the video to appear again. Tell you what I'll try posting it without the "h" in https at the start and you can add it in to use it yourself. Can you let me know if that works?


@MarkWD Nope sent me elsewhere. I could just use the one with agnostic.

@JackPedigo Sorry about that Jack. I did give you the wrong one, a longer video I was working on. But this one should work or if you double click the original to go to Youtube you can just link from there. Here is the right one minus the leading h: ttps://

@MarkWD Seems to work. Thank You.


Wonderful video!
Do you have irrigation or it is just resistant plants?

Zoohome Level 8 Apr 13, 2020

The garden depends on plants that can weather inconsistent care, albeit in a benign climate where the extremes are not too great. I do have PVC underground leading from my waterline by way of solenoid valves that can be automatically controlled. But I've simply given up on maintaining the micro emitters or soaker hoses in favor of direct watering by hand during rare extreme conditions and choosing plants tolerant of that kind of care. I don't love the look of the rigid lines people seem to use now that sit on top of the ground, but maybe one day I'll try it in some places. But my other fantasy is to pump water from the creek to storage tanks and to do the watering from that. The creek is year around but of course I wouldn't be permitted to do it openly so another reason to keep looking for plants that can make do.


Lovely garden and a great video, thank you.

Fernapple Level 9 Apr 13, 2020

What a lovely garden you have! I wish mine was that big! I just sold my house, that had a huge yard and I was busy filling it up when I had to sell as I could no longer afford the home after my husband passed away. I’m now living with my youngest son and he’s given me permission to do what I like in the yard. So I now have a new canvas to create just a lot smaller. I enjoyed your video very much. Thanks for sharing!

Were you able to take some plants with you before moving out of your home?

@Zoohome Only the potted ones. The reason the buyers wanted the house was the yard and “all the beautiful plants” as the lady stated in their offer. They Specifically said they wanted everything “as is”, so I couldn’t dig anything up. 😢 it made me so sad to leave some of the plants. I will just have to start over at my son’s place.👍

@Redheadedgammy you should ask them if you could go and get some clippings. I'm sure they would be happy about it and they might even ask you for advice and talk about plants. 🙂

I'm glad this video worked better for you but sorry to hear you lost your mate. It is an inevitability which feels nearer to hand all the time. Being the younger one with fewer identified conditions I expect to face a lot of changes around that. I have a friend in my city who also lost her husband not so long ago who I talk to about that. Plus our friends are dropping off more often now. Good for you for coping well and embracing what comes next.

But how exciting for you to have the chance to begin afresh in a new garden. Frankly a smaller garden has a lot of appeal. You can more realistically provide a better level of care. Right now while sheltering at home because of the new disease, it has been nice to have the space in this garden to walk, putter and hang out in. But

@Zoohome That is really a good idea.

@MarkWD thanks
It happens.
I actually brought a friend over and removed all the plants I would be said if they were killed.
The grape vines are still there, I couldn't remove them due to all the tangling and fear of hirting it.
I hope whoever's busy my place likes fruit trees and plants.

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