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I grow several types of berries for the birds and I. I've slowly been turning my almost an acre yard into a sanctuary for birds and insects by planting many natives (milkweed and aster are popular) and decreasing my lawn. I've enjoyed seeing the butterflies, bees and others seek refuge from the chemically treated neighbors. I've got several woodpecker species that visit regularly now, too.

Untamedshrew 7 May 5
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How long ago did you start?


Sounds lovely.


Asters are some of my favorites as well.


That’s great. I try to use as little pesticides as I can

Donto101 Level 7 May 5, 2018

I've found many infestations can be controlled naturally. I get aphids something biblical. I trim my shrubs a bit when the buggers show up, and that solves that; for some reason they can't get back on the plant once removed.


And nature says thank you.turning your property into a sanctuary of sorts is a cool thing to do.more people with land should do it.we are tearing down so many pieces of natural habitat and you are helping to rebuild.hooray for you and the ones you are helping!

I've noticed a drastic decrease in both monarch butterflies and bees the past two years. I really hope it's a fluke and not a sign of trouble.


That is what I want to do

btroje Level 9 May 5, 2018

It's fun. And easy! When you get plants that belong where you live, in the conditions you have, they grow themselves. I gave them a good start by planting well with peat moss, mulched, and TRIED to water the first year. After that, they all took off and continue to spread. My gardens are designed by nature. When a new plant pops up, I mark it and watch it until I can ID it as friend or foe. Then I let it go wherever it wants. My favorite now is a patch of black raspberries that just planted itself two years ago. The increase in wildlife has been surprising. My tree frogs just woke up this week!

@Untamedshrew I live in the high desert. Whole different story here

@btroje I've not spent time in the desert; it's probably the only environment I haven't hiked. Snakes and scorpions freak me out! What grows there other than cactus?

@Untamedshrew I heard the tree frogs singing just the other night. Interesting hearing croaking in the trees.

@Untamedshrew different things grow and bloom depending on the rainfall which is unpredictable. Seeds can lay dormant for years until that right moment

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