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Just finishing planting my planters . Living in a flat I have no proper garden , but 22 of them scattered around . Photos to be published later . My only problem are the bloody cats digging up everything . They seem to be immune to citrus , pepper and even cinnamon . I’ve put wire now to keep them off .

Hebert54 7 May 10
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You only have cats. I have CHIPMUNKS!!
They're 10 times worse

Leafhead Level 8 May 11, 2018

Try some cotton balls.

@Hebert54 They probably won't work if you have a lot of rain.

@Hebert54 I’ve been to Cornwall before and I know it can rain everyday there. You also probably have Sun most of those days. I didn’t check your location before I replied. Maybe there some grasses or something that’ll keep the critters away, or perhaps use some temporary fencing.

@Hebert54 That's similar to what I do if I try to plant corn and sometimes beans. Chipmunks, birds, squirrels, opossums, and raccoons enjoy them too much.


I have indoor cats. They were a nightmare to deal with when I tried to start some plants indoors.

MaddMax30 Level 4 May 10, 2018

Don't worry. Once the roots get a good grip through the carpet to the underlay pulling them out will probably pull the floorboard up therebye braining kitty. It becomes aversion therepy and before long you won't have any problems.?????


I've got raccoons; they are omnivores and will eat most things in a garden. They are wild, sort of. They live in cities around people, and have little fear. Of course, we have cats too, two of them. My black male keeps all the strays out of the yard, and keeps his sister out as well. He doesn't attack her in the house, because he knows I don't like it. But, outside is his domain, not mine, and he chases all others out of the yard.

EdEarl Level 8 May 10, 2018
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