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Anyone into native species for their area? i'm in the nw corner of sc and would like info on natives for hummers, butterflies and just the beauty and sweet smell of them. hoping to find bloomers that take turns so there is something going all the time. annuals, perennials, bushes even small trees would be good to know. tia

blueskies 7 May 23
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I'm in the MW but I plant for hummingbirds, butterflies and all other pollinators and bugs.
I grow mostly native stuff, with a few cultivars and naturalized plants just to "class the place up".
I live in a condo and have to plant some corporate looking crap, but I try to stay with conifers and Viburnum hedges to at least feed and shelter birds in winter. I have a native cherry out front that supports Swallowtails and Red Spotted Purples

Leafhead Level 8 May 24, 2018

any annual/perennial flowers? planted quite a bit here twenty some years ago, but am trying now to get more native stuff going... takes a wile to replace stuff. there are wild cherry trees here that the birds go nuts over when fruiting and many sourwood trees that the bees flock to and make good honey with.

Mostly perennials like blue Salvia, Veronica, Milkweed (common,
Swamp and Butterfly weed), Indigo Bush Amorpha (a pollinator mecca) and Anaphalis Pearly Everlasting. Coreopsis, Cup Plant and Joe-Pye are all good native nectar plants.
I also grow Pussytoes and Golden Alexander.
For annuals I grow Salvia Black and Blue for hummers, Mexican Sunflower and Cosmos.
They are not native, but do they ever bring them in!


I'm in a different climate, but I plant plants for Hummingbirds and butterflies.

CaroleKay Level 8 May 24, 2018

i'd be interested to know what zone and what you do plant there?


My front yard is currently bare, and I plan on creating a native garden there. I’m just in the beginning stages of designing it.

let the fun begin!


I am but different continent, a lot of my work in recent years has been restoring our native vegetation.

Rugglesby Level 8 May 23, 2018

amazing how non natives can take over

@blueskies bit like people really. I think when anything is moved to a new environment that does not have controls in nature, feral animals with no natural predators (us and cane toads) or weeds.


Google: native plants of southern Appalachian mountains

i'll do that, thanks kindly


There are a lot of nurseries out there now that specialize in native plants.

Donto101 Level 7 May 23, 2018

i'll look into that, thanks!

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