4 3

HAHAHAHAHA! That Tony Perkins, what a joke!
Are you ready to hear the "True" tragedy of the Covid-19 pandemic? That's right, folks, it is the equally deadly scourge of wanking. I wonder why God gave us dextrous hands that perfectly reach down there. Hmm...


MikeInBatonRouge 8 Apr 16
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For the interested with 25 minutes to spare. Just a taste of Marty Klein's great book.


Monkeys need to be spanked and chickens need to be choked.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Apr 16, 2020

On a more serious note, I think it would do some good to decry the production of degrading types of porn, which can have an adverse effect on young minds.

bingst Level 8 Apr 16, 2020

Porn IS a complex topic for sure. There are both responsible and irresponsible ways to go about that, and I suspect that there will never be unanimity of opinion on what that way should be.

However, it is also true that the Family Research Council automatically condemns all sex outside of heterosexual marriage--and much within it, contraception, women being in control of their own bodies, many kinds of sexual fantasy, and in particular highlighted in this article, the safest sex of all: Masturbation. Fundamentalist Christianity, and conservative Islam, very specifically fixate on sexuality as a uniquely powerful indoctrination weapon for making perfectly alright people feel deviant, sinful, and deeply shameful, so that they are scared into obeying religious leaders, desperate for rescue from their indoctrinated shame that they confuse with damnation.

The scary term "sex addiction," widely talked about and accepted as real is a constructed notion. It i not real in any concrete sense, any more than food addiction is. Obsession is a more accurate term. Both eating and sex are biological appetites we are programmed to have naturally. They are fundamentally different from gambling, or chemical addictions or shopping addictions, activities that one expects to actually be elective. The industry built to treat sex "addiction" falsely accepts without any skepticism the idea of sex as fundamentally dangerous. To be sure, there IS unhealthy compulsive sexual behavior, but that is different from an actual addiction, and these types of groups' determination to portray most sexual diversity as depraved and disordered actually fuels the shame that contributes to harmful compulsions. People's libidos and sexual preoccupation will wax and wane in life; that is normal. As soon as it scares someone, it is that much more likely to become a powerful, fear-inspiring idea that might develop into an obsession.


My favorite part of the article ...
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council:
"We cannot afford to let this crisis open a door to a craving that destroys our kids' innocence and future happiness."
I wonder how Tony knows what masturbation results in. Where did his expertize come from? Talk about a sex-obsessed religion!

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