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Hey everyone. Does anyone know of any people who are men and who think they are female. Yet instead of transitioning, they started taking hormone treatments to become more masculine. Does anyone know about such? What do you think about it? I'm thinking about doing that.

TCorCM 7 Dec 27
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I thought you were going to get therapy. I credit therapy with saving most of my family - 25 years ago, when I transitioned.
You are playing with hormone fire and it could well backfire on you. I doubt it will change your brain and do what you are hoping.

CS60 Level 7 Jan 1, 2021

I will repeat the idea that no one fully understands gender identity. It is a complex mixture of biology and socialuzation that we may never fully parse. But I suspect if someone is unhappy about it, one of two things (at least) can help. 1) Get over the notion that males and females are fundamentally all that different. There are far more similarities as humans than innate differences as men or women. You are human first. Within the gender categories of man or woman, there is a ton of variation in how individuals feel and how they express themselves. Variety is what's normal.
2) Remind yourself repeatedly and often that socialization effects us probably more deeply can we can perceive, so when in doubt if you are "not man enough, too feminine," or the other way around, society's hang-ups and prejudices are the issue, more than you yourself are. A healthy "Fuck what society thinks!" attitude can get us far. It certainly got me through early 1980s high school before I was even out of my own closet.


One of the greatest mistakes I ever made was pretending to be male when I knew I was female. I wasted most of my life doing that. It's up to you if you want to make the same mistake.

Theresa_N Level 8 Dec 28, 2020

You are going to play with hormonal fire.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Dec 28, 2020

I agree with the answers ,expert advice is needed here and especially from medical field ,a doctor who specializes in The LGBT community should have answers from his experince or would know a proper person to send you to

RoyMillar Level 9 Dec 28, 2020

See a medical professional and a psychologist.

Hormones are nothing to mess with.


"think that they are female'' is a very loaded statement! Have you been in touch with any LGBT support groups? That seems like your best option for understanding and help! Hormones are incredibly powerful and not something to be done on one's own! That kind of use could have unforeseen results!

You need to engage with people who know something about the long-term consequences.

Good luck...whatever you do!

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Dec 27, 2020

I would certainly take time and talk with someone professionally, both about the medical implications and psychological. My understanding is that hormones might effect appearance, timber of voice (maybe but not if the voice is already male) and perhaps aggression somewhat. But your internal sense of self is something else and may bot change the way you hope. You might end up feeling even more out of sync with your external physicality.

@TCorCM You seem like someone who probably reads self-help books, as I once did, and if not then I recommend that you read The Road Less Taken, by M. Scott Peck. Powerful book by a very flawed man. Being a man is not a thing which can be attained by hormones, my friend. Near as I can tell it's a thing about character, usefulness, humor, tenderness, creativity, and a courage to explore without a clue where you're going. Be yourself and manhood follows.

@TCorCM so are you attempting to live up to some stupid stereotype or....? I am a tall, broad-shouodered outspoken woman with a lot of mechanical ability who can & does Everything DIY, who was told back in the "wonderful" 50's by my 4th grade teacher that i wasn't "girly" enough.......FU Miss Minson, and how is that "girly" thing workin' out for ya?

@TCorCM It seems to me, by your replies, that you are doing fine at being a man. I recanted my coming out, to my mom, after a week in which she felt that I had died. Got married to a nice but also broken woman and tried to save her. She discovered she was stronger than she knew after the marriage ended. In my solitude I have wrestled with bi or gay and think that I was probably right all those years ago. Gay. My relationship with mom made me...uncomfortable with women. Rejection issues, I think. My point is that it's always wiser to be who you are and be proud of it. We are really doing nothing "wrong" by anyone's book, including their Bible, and the hater is committing sin. The sin of ego and damaging another. Be who you are and let them work out what they need to. Maybe what love for you forces them to take a hard look at.

Sigh. You may also need to learn the art of letting go. That is something we humans have to experience, as well, in order to become something more real. Something we simply didn't know we were or how to conduct ourselves if we were. It also helps me to listen deeply to Jackson Browne's more personal songs about life, dreams, and loss. Pink Floyd is also recommended L

What was it they said in The Hunger Games? Chins up and smiles on?

@TCorCM you seem to embrace a lot of "mood swings"????? Never, ever...righteous anger at BS, yes,but do not patronize me by saying it is a "mood swing"!.
Perhaps talking to a therapist that specializes in this kind of thing could clarify/inform your ideas.

@AnneWimsey yeah. I see plenty of cis men in counseling for their mood swings. ...just sayin.

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