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I think we should be aware of such problems, that we stand up against any wrong doing. That not everything of anything is all good. I like to say that there are True Trans people and Trans people. True Trans people are people born with a mental or physical defect. They are born trans. The other trans is people who are trans only after they make a serious transition. I agree with this video's warning of caution. I however don't agree that there are rare exceptions where someone is born with a gender dysphoria, but that is not most everyone. Also, there are a few aspects of this video I don't agree with, yet it's really worth the listen, a lot of the points in the video is true.

TCorCM 7 Jan 1
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My sense is you are afraid to admit the truth and you are searching for anything to hide behind. There is a lot of info on the net about trans-people; unfortunately, much of it is either incorrect or outright lies. If you want to read and follow the right-wing nutters, then be prepared for lots of lies.

CS60 Level 7 Jan 1, 2021

@TCorCM You seem to be following and posting a bunch on religious nutter / right-wing crap. At times, you are coming off as a right-wing troll. Tthe LGBTQ+ community has had to deal with and defend against right-wing religious “viewpoints” for several decades. So, yeah it causes hostility. Most of us have experienced prejudice, so we are sensitive to it.

If you think the LGBTQ+ community is one big happy family it, ain’t by any stretch of the imagination. Keep in mind , L, G, and B deal with sexual orientation, while T deals with gender identity. So there is a disconnect. L, G, and B don’t always understand T and some are out right prejudiced against T. They are called TERFs. Yep, one big dysfunctional family.

You need to figure out what is right for you - transition or not, genderfluid or not, gay, straight, bi, or asexual, then do it. No mater what group you are in there will be hateful, bigoted and hypocritical bullies, but there will also be many more decent people.


If all of you blocked this complete asshole!!

His posts would not be read by any one!!!

I am blocking this fucking asshole now!!


Why are you in this group when you persist in posting material that is harmful to the trans community? You haven’t a clue what you are talking about.

UUNJ Level 8 Jan 1, 2021

@TCorCM Already have.


Honestly, if someone can make money by being the kind of victim social conservatives are willing to pay to hear then there’s some qualified person willing to sell out to cash in. This person is just following an opportunity and will get enough money to live on for the rest of their greedy life for doing it.
I live without regrets, if I could change the past I wouldn’t. But the people that like this kind of negativity succeeded in keeping me in my place until late in life.
I do not think it’s fair that I had to wait so long, it’s not a phase, it’s about me and if your experience was different fine.
Why try so hard to fuck up my happiness?
Just to justify your transphobia.
You’re sick.

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