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LINK Cher explains why she has loved gay people since she was 9-years-old / LGBTQ Nation

Cher explained why she felt such a tie with gay people since she was nine-years-old in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

Amanpour asked Cher if having a transgender son – Chaz Bono – made her “sympathetic to the LGBT community,” and Cher said that she liked gay people going all the way back to when she was nine-years-old.

snytiger6 9 Mar 31
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And I love Cher! Have ever since I first heard her music as a child!


Nice to be reminded that she hasn't always been so woke, liked, and composed.

rainmanjr Level 8 Mar 31, 2021

And that's why we love her! She gets what it is to be different. Plus, Hey, Sonny and Cher variety show! Hello. Campy Bohemian humor!!❤️!!


If I remember correctly, she struggled when Chaz came out as FTM.

CS60 Level 7 Mar 31, 2021

I think it would be a shock and an adjustment for most parents.

@snytiger6 If the parents are paying attention, it shouldn’t be a shock. Adjustment, yes. They have to grieve the “loss” of their hopes and dreams for that child and come to terms with the child's changes. Some parents are up to the challenge and some aren't


It's good that she support the gay community for all these years.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 31, 2021
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