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A study in the Journal of Bisexuality (yes, I was surprised it existed too!) found that women reported being less likely to be attracted to Bi/Pan men.

Yet, many anecdotal and academic studies report that women find relationships with bi/pan men more satisfying.

Women, where do you stand?

-in this poll, bi and pan are used interchangeably for attraction to individuals of any gender identity

-Trans women are women

-Trans men are men

-Non-binary people are included where their gender identity incorporates elements that make them feel this poll is relevant to them

-The sexuality of respondents is not asked. Please only respond if you are capable of being attracted to men. Naturally, lesbians are less likely to be attracted to men 😉

-Triggered straight men may use the emergency option to quell their rising fear of things not involving them


Are Bi men less attractive to women than straight men. ?

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Rufus_Maximus 7 May 26
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To bad there isn't a asexual option, or an option that just isn't about sex. (Like means of companionship.)

Ello Level 6 June 29, 2021

might be fun to have help sucking c**k

We all need a hobby😉


I try to see people as people, not their sex, perceived or actual. And I think anything regarding the subject has nothing to do with me and therefore not my business, unless they choose to make it so. And, in that case, I am supportive to whatever is their choice. Too many people spend too much time judging who other people are and what they do.

KateOahu Level 8 May 26, 2021

As MLKJ once said.
"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character."

@Ello Absolutely.


You forgot the option of I Prefer To Mind My Own Business

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 26, 2021

I'm nonbinary in the sense that I'm not sexually attracted to anyone and haven't been for a couple of decades. I am a trans woman because I identify with women and always have. When I was young there was a sexual element to my gender identity and for a few years in my early twenties I dated couples, but with everyone else I concealed my gender identity easily passing as a heterosexual cis man. In 1983 I was kicked out of the Navy with an honorable discharge for "Homosexual" activity.
Now I'm in my early 60's and would prefer a good meal to a sexual encounter of any kind.
Honestly it's too confusing for me to respond to your poll.
Don't take that as an invitation to send me a poll pic.



"Triggered straight men may use the emergency option to quell their rising fear of things not involving them"
With how out-of-the-way you've gone to be inclusive, this wording is pretty shitty. This can/does involve straight men, too, because anyone can be a victim of discrimination if others perceive them to be a member of a group they dislike. People have been "accusing" me of being gay since the 5th grade (and it still continues to this day) and I have suffered a lot as a result of it. It doesn't matter that I'm not, it just matters how shitty, small-minded people perceive me.
That said, from my own 3+ decades of experience as a perceived-bi-man, women are definitely less attracted to bi-men.
Additionally, biologically speaking, why wouldn't someone naturally be drawn to situations where they have less competition or more advantages against their competition? This would not be the case for women dating bisexual men.

Although, to add, that if a women where to date a BI man, they may know that other women would be less interested, yet the woman could also keep in mind, that her mate could start to just be attracted to other men.

@Ello Those aren't really the same thing. Less competition as a result of reduced desirability is not the same thing as less competition because of fewer total potential options. It's a hard point to make without it sounding bad though.


What the heck is an "enbee"?

Enby/Enbee = NB (non binary)

Thanks for asking. Hard to keep up with thus stuff

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