3 2 of LGBT people from discrimination is de facto discrimination against Christians??? Somebody please explain to me again why so many lgbt people are Christian. Yes I know about socialization, indoctrination, fear tactics, etc., but still, talk about false consciousness!

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Aug 2
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I agree I know of priests, church music directors etc. that are gay. I have trouble understanding why they are part of the church.

QuadLutz Level 3 Aug 5, 2018

I have a friend who it gives great comfort to, given our suicide rates if it gives him a coping mechanism for all the hate out there, I say more power to him hopefully he'll go on to be a positive influence as a Trans pastor. People who weaponize faith aren't prepared for us to use it in our defense. The more we separate ourselves from theists (lgbt communities) the easier it is for them to demonize us. It's fucked up but bigotry can't survive proximity, which is why they want nothing to do with us. And we get treated as less than human, but for me it would be like returning to an abuser. It's a catch 22.

I certainly wo nb't attack anyone committed to their faith who's is NOT using it to hurt others, but neither will I ignore its inherent dangers. For hateful religionists who use religious authority claims to attack LGBTQ folks, immigrants, women, etc . , pointing out their hypocrisy using t hgatgeor own scriptures to undermine their bigoted claims.


They cherry pick the bits of the religion that they like, and ignore the bits that they don't. Just like the ones who have tattoos and eat shellfish, but bang on about how the Bible says homosexuality is a sin.

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