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Why is it not ok to be bi?

Amjams 2 Aug 7
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It is OK.
I think that many peopel are just insecure about the commitment a bi person can provide. I think they can be just as committed as anyone else, but generally we are conditioned to be open minded as a society.

snytiger6 Level 9 Aug 9, 2018

This is a good question. As I see things from my time both sexes played with dolls. The female doll was a Barbie and the male doll was G. I. Joe. If a manly man saw the boy child playing with a Barbie he would have a fit and claim boys do not play with dolls. Then he would give the boy back his G. I. Joe. God forbid that you put Barbie clothes on Joe also. Of course, Joe had no clothes of his own so how would the 2 children play together? Joe can't fight or kill Barbie. They should be friends and he should be protecting her.

Sexual ideas do not bother or threaten me very much but I don't let men kiss me.

DenoPenno Level 9 Aug 9, 2018

I'm an Intersex activist, If it weren't for open-minded Bi-affectionate people I'd never get a date ever!!


I'm bisexual, and it's perfectly fine. Fine with me and my circle.

I am too


It’s absolutely ok to be bi, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Anyone saying it’s not ok to be you is no friend.

Katrik Level 7 Aug 7, 2018

Who says it’s not okay to be bi? Lemme at ‘em! Lemme at ‘em!

Prescott Level 5 Aug 7, 2018

Because some people are arrogant ignoramuses, is the only reason I can think of. Personally, if I've ever been given any flack over it, I didn't notice.

MollyBell Level 7 Aug 7, 2018

It is okay to be bi. If we were perfectly honest, most human beings are, to some degree.

But then there's pressure from religion to breed. If you have the ability to be a practising heterosexual, then that's what you should be. Some will give a free pass if you really can't stomach the idea of opposite sex intimacy, but if you can, then you must breed for your God.

And there are both heterosexuals and homosexuals, a little bit fragile about their binary sexualities, because they might just be tempted to turn to the dark side with the right person, after a few drinks. If they accept the legitimacy of bisexuality, then they might have to acknowledge that they're a little bit bi, too.

So pick a team and stick with it, because that's exactly what they did. Biphobia largely comes from the same place as homophobia: closeted individuals repressing a desire, and massively envious when they see others who have the thing that they feel they must deny themselves.


Some look down on us like we can't decide or that we must be promiscuous.

soulless Level 7 Aug 7, 2018

Promiscuous is not a bi thing. It is a lifestyle choice that anyone of any sexual persuasion can enjoy, if that is what makes them happy. As for folks looking down at bi folk.... Phftttt! Life is too short to worry about their myopic morals. If you are comfortable with who you are, stand tall and walk on. ?


Why the question? I find the vagina repulsive. Bi's don't. I have dated two Bi. When they went back and forth from the penis into the vagina, it finally became too much for me. I couldn't deal with it, but that was my problem, not theirs. Tried threesome's and decided it wasn't for me.

Omots Level 7 Aug 7, 2018

Nothing wrong with it as long as you are upfront and honest about it and not cheat.
Love is love desire is desire


In my universe, it is great to be happy with who you are. Anyone who is critical of your happy ness needs to serious look inward to figure out why their life is a mess.


Says who?

It was a thing with the LGBT peeps some while ago. I never understood it

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