8 3

Is it possible for a 7 year old to know that they are in the wrong body? I don't know. I'm just curious as to what others think. A judge ruled against the father and gave soul custody of the boy in question and his twin brother to their pediatrician mother.

"She argued that three mental health professionals had diagnosed James with gender dysphoria and that therapists had recommended they start using the name Luna instead of James."

"She claims she had noticed James requesting girl-themed toys, that she was imitating female Disney characters and had been asking to wear dresses.

"The therapist recommended James start social transitioning by wearing dresses to school and going by the name Luna.
Their child currently identifies as a girl at school and is called Luna by her teachers."

"Websites and Facebook groups called 'Save James' have been set up and there is a GoFundMe page with about $40,000 in donations to help with Younger's court costs."


Daco2007 7 Oct 23
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Texas judge rules father CAN fight to stop his transgender son, 7, transiting into a girl after he argued that the child's mother spent made him grow up wearing dresses and constantly told him 'monsters eat little boys'


Daco2007 Level 7 Oct 24, 2019

It could be Munchhausen by proxy. Or it could be legit.

@RavenCT I don't think this qualifies as Munchausen syndrome by proxy. I think it's an IDIOTIC, insensitive, moronic FATHER, who is trying to insist that his "SON" live the life that "DADDY" dictates! Sad, really.

@Daco2007 The final verdict gave full custody to the mother.g

Turns out the Dad was great at lying - a lot.
Very uncool. He was trying to get his own way to the detriment of his child.

That will no longer be an issue!

The two articles I read at the time I posted were biased. Trust me I kept reading as news came out!


To the question is it possible? Absolutely, and well documented. It is also possible for parents to selectively see what they want to in their children. Which is why outsiders like us can reasonably wonder what the actual situation is for this child. My personal bias is to suspect the objecting parent is likely in denial due to his personal discomfort on the subject. But I have no inside info.


A male-to-female pre-operation trans told me she long felt like a prisoner in a male body and it was awful. I don’t recall her saying at what age the dysphoria started.

yvilletom Level 8 Oct 23, 2019

Flip yes. I knew from about 3 years old - whenever I realized boys bodies were different than mine.

CS60 Level 7 Oct 23, 2019

Yes very likely. It's been documented younger than that.

Also ask a few folks who are non-binary when they figured it out? I've had answers from friends when they were remarkably young. Things like "My first crush was my same sex teacher." .

Kudos to this judge.

RavenCT Level 9 Oct 23, 2019

Yup well documented phenomenon

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 23, 2019

It would some task separating those with a personal bias from those who only care about the good of the child.

Luna, though? That's awful!

brentan Level 8 Oct 23, 2019

Likely an early choice - I like it though. There may be another name choice in future.


Seems possible to me.. professionals seem to concur in this case.

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