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When I was on Facebook this morning, I came across this meme posted by the US Democratic Socialists:

"Its Simple.
When you buy something at
Your money supports people who believe:
All gay people molest children.
Gay people have sex with animals.
Gay people will destroy the Earth.
Gay people should be put to death by the government.

Chick-Fil-A has given $3,000,000.00
to help promote these ideas.

Stop eating at Chick-Fil-A."

If this is true, then it's another reason for me to avoid Chick-Fil-A.
What do you think about this fast food place?

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AncientNight 8 Apr 20
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I agree: eating at Chick-Fil-A supports gay bashing. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I haven't eaten there in many years and discourage people I'm with from eating there.


I haven’t stepped in a Chick-Fil-A nor a Hobby Lobby in years, as soon as I learn they have religious ties/right wing ideology, they never see me (nor my dollar) again.

RegJoe222 Level 4 May 5, 2018

I need to do more research on this. I don't eat there either because I've heard the rumors and that's enough for me to stop spending money, but how much of what I've heard is actually true and how much is exaggerated? If any of it's true, that enough for me to not spend a dime, but I still want to know how much is true. It might be all true.

@paul1967 It’s “real news” regarding Chick-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby.

@RegJoe222 Having an issue with someone for loving a certain gender has got to be up there with hating someone for having a different skin or eye color. It's so stupid it hurts my brain.


I avoided them for a while, but I let it go a bit. While they have given money to some truly shitty people, they have also employed some of my good queer friends and didn't know it. I don't go there all the time, and I'm not saying you should or shouldn't, but personally I do occasionally. My husband and I do refer to it as "hate chicken."

Honestly here in South Carolina, I couldn't buy almost anything if I boycotted every place that has shady actions like that. I can a few, but change can't happen here if all of us queer living people run from the bigots (though I certainly want to most days).

SensualAva Level 6 Apr 27, 2018

Have never eaten there.


I have followed this for years. It is true, but all in all it was 5 milliion... however, In 2014 after coming out publicly against gay marriage and the beating they took, they promised to stay out of political issues.... Buuuuuut, in 2017 they started giving $ to anti-gay groups again... Thus the meme. They want to start this again, then so will we.

JBradford Level 5 Apr 21, 2018

I don't eat there because they have nasty food, but I wouldn't support them if I liked the food.

PhoebeCat Level 7 Apr 20, 2018

No quandary for me. I rarely do fast food anyway. But I appreciate the info; I had no idea about this company. Ugggg


I've avoided them for years now, since they made the news about their bigoted donations. Even though they had said they weren't affiliated with them anymore they just don't change their spots so easy. Turns out I was right.

cyndiann Level 5 Apr 20, 2018

I haven't eaten at that shit hole in 20 years, and never will. I'll laugh if they go belly up, though.

MollyBell Level 7 Apr 20, 2018

I refuse to have anything to do with them. 😛

Karen916 Level 6 Apr 20, 2018

I'm not in a position to boycott it, but if I were, I would. I'm the same with the notoriously homophobic Salvation Army.

Yep. I give them the full blown side eye when I stroll past their bell ringers during Christmas.

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