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Whats everyone's favourite animal and what pets do you keep or would like to keep?

LeighShelton 8 Apr 11
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No question.

We have had many over the years, had to put down 5 so far, one is left...she is 20 and healthy and happy, but when she is gone...that's it.

I can't deal with saying goodbye and crying for days afterwards...just can't again...😉

Karcreat Level 6 May 2, 2018

it is really hard but I find the positives outway the negatives but I do understand.


Involved with animal rescues for a long time and have shared my home with fish, birds, reptiles, rodents, cats and dogs. Our dogs passed away of old age and now we're in a small place so constrained to cats. Currently have 4 permanent cats and 5 foster rescues. We help with wildlife rescues as opportunities arise although mainly by catch and transport to the rehabbers; sometimes with monitor in place.

pixiedust Level 8 Apr 29, 2018

I love/respect animals too. My favourites are sharks, sloths, snakes, and spiders. Currently, I have dogs, cats, guinea pigs, chinchillas, tarantulas, snakes, geckos, horses, and a donkey. I would love a pet pig and may be alpacas.

graceylou Level 8 Apr 18, 2018

wow, awesome. you got to get a pig

@LeighShelton I would love to but I already have a zoo as it is. May be one day.

I know what you mean. I would have so many dogs if I could @graceylou

@LeighShelton I have 4 dogs currently. I had 5 but we had to put down our old guy. I work with dogs and cats as well so I’m always surrounded by animals.

wow, that's brilliant, what a job. I used to have 6 dogs myself.


I love all animals, I would happy living in a petting zoo. The one animal I would love to have, but never will, is a parrot.i love not a believer in owning exotics , so I live vicariously on You tube.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Apr 15, 2018

birds need to fly


I have 4 dogs, 4 turtles, 1 fish, and 2 humans. Looking to rehome the humans and 2 of the dogs.

id love another dog

@LeighShelton the two humans and the two canines in question belong to each other

damn I don't want the humans

@LeighShelton me either


Hairy nosed wombat, I love them 🙂

Andyg17 Level 5 Apr 11, 2018

yes there amazing


Cats, cats, cats......and a Ouessant ram that eats the grass called Butty McSheepface. But I do have a weakness for Red Pandas, if I could have one.

Tilia Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

I am owned by three dogs, but I love all animals! I feed and provide shelter for the neighborhood feral cats, (I've tamed a few and was able to find homes for them). I have a special affection for Opossums. They are so misunderstood! Marsupials are amazing! Many times I find opposums eating with the ferals, they are peaceful little souls. ♥️


Thank you


I love most animals, humans and snakes are 2 I don't want as pets, snakes here are deadly and humans destroy and befoul their pen.

Rugglesby Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

As well as other peoples !

I used to live with a red bellied black and a couple of 6 ft pythons, they're not as bad as people think. No one's died of a red belly bite in Aus. since soon after the invasions my herpatologist friend told me, they've had the antivenom ages.

@girlwithsmiles I have browns in my yard occasionally, They worry me, had one in my house. I have 3 green snakes, I love them, a carpet python in my shed, he is ok for now. Yesterday I was called to remove a yellow faced whip snake from a pool. My last acreage was covered in large red belly blacks, as a kid I was taught the are "mostly" harmless, but they cause necrosis so not that great. Thankfully not aggressive.

Yes, I'm with you on the browns; they're a different fishy kettle 😉 Never come across a yellow faced whip, how cool! So you're not as anti snake as you first appeared. Cool.

@girlwithsmiles I don't like them as much as say cute little kittens, and I really do like the tree snakes. I won't kill a snake of course and am trained to rescue, rehabilitate and relocate non venomous ones. The whip snakes are very common up this way, both on the coast and inland.
I was at a meeting one day years back, a girl opened her car door and one fell out and bit her, no venom this time. They are not deadly, but very fast and usually bad tempered.

Gosh, well I hope I don't see one then.


A Pig. As Winston Churchill stated " It is the only animal that treats you as an equal."

VAL3941 Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

yes there really intelligent too

Don't know about that. Sone Pigs I have met ( humans ) certainly lack a lot of intellegence.


As far as living today, I'm a fan of the skunk and okapi. I have 2 dachshunds and 3 pit mixes.

Fulishsage Level 6 Apr 11, 2018

me too


All my pets are rescues: Maine Coon cat, keeps me in dead mice and fur everywhere, one tuxedo cat, sweet, two chihuahuas- hyper and loud. I would like some sheep but don't have a farm.

Spinliesel Level 9 Apr 11, 2018


@AMGT She lands on me like a ton of bricks!. Spends most of her day and night hunting in the barn............, then brings me presents. Her name is Hella, the daughter of Loki.


I have a cat, a chicken, and some neon tetras.

skado Level 9 Apr 11, 2018

My favourite wild animal would have to be tardigrade or axolotl. My favourite pet is a cat, though I could keep just about any domestic animal save for dogs (I live in an apartment) or birds (just can't get into keeping birds.)

ETA:. Oh, and right now I live with a giant cat.


My favorite animal goes meow.

indirect76 Level 7 Apr 11, 2018



I love skunks. They are amazing little animals.

JeffMesser Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

They are hilarious as pets, but a lot of work.

me too


When it comes to wildlife I am partial to species I have had up close personal experiences with. Without tipping all the way into Woo Woo, there's a spiritual aspect to that. So: great Horned owls, grizzly bears, elk, and great blue herons. As far as pets go, I'm a cat person through and through. Cats and horses. Our horses all died of old age, but we proudly are owned by a couple of sweet cats.

wow awesome


My favorite animals are horses and birds. I am a fanatical bird photographer and have kept both horses and birds most of my life.

1.Aguilah, my male Asian Fairy-bluebird here in Songkhla, Thailand.

2.Me jumping a log on my Walking Horse, Banjo, near Soldier, KY

3.Me at 14 years old, on my Haitian mustang stallion, Lightning, near Cap Haitian, Haiti

4.Me with my hand-raised Mitred Conure parrot, Pandy, my farm near Morehead, KY

birdingnut Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

very nice

Im jealous of you and your birds!

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