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"Ain't it the truth"
The Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of OZ....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Apr 16
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I'd swear that's the rally of the:

National Socialist German Workers' Party

It started as the:

German Workers' party

Then Hitler, Himmler, and the boys changed it to the:

National Socialist German Workers' Party

BD66 Level 8 Apr 16, 2020

And yet had nothing to do with Socialism after he took over.... Much in the same way North Korea has nothing to do with Democracy....

Don't take my word for it take his...


Learn to pronounce
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

They called themselves Socialists.
They behaved like Socialists.
They were Socialists.

The Nazis controlled the means of production, distribution, and exchange:


@BD66 You really are uneducated then aren't you?.... News flash the red hunt of the 60s' is over and was only started to discredit the ideas of FDR and Eisenhower... My guess is you are so stupid and blind you don't even realise that you are defining communism not socialism...Hitler worked in favor of those who controlled the means of production in exactly the same way Franco and Mussolini did...

@BD66 If Hitler was a socialist why was Wall Street trying to overthrown the US government so they could turn the USA into a Nazi government as well?...

@BD66 By your own lack of logic and facts you are claiming that Trump is a socialist....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz @BD66 You really are uneducated then aren't you?

You're secretly Donald Trump, who tends to refer to people who don't agree with him as stupid or working against him.

His profile says "grad school."

I consider people who can write paragraphs, leaving a trail of mostly correctly spelled words with a touch of correct grammar as educated. I don't need to check their profile page.

Odd ball that I am, I consider everyone is entitled to be WRONG including me.

@WonderWartHog99 He is uneducated.... As are most people in this country. Acting the complete idiot using fiction instead of fact if what got this country into the mess it is in. His statements are simple McCarthyism at its worst... He doesn't understand history, economics or political theory yet has declared himself an "expert" on all three of those subjects hasn't he?...


That was facism, our man in Italy ,a Fascista.

@praytothemilkjug Hitler and Franco were both fascists also....


I have a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois.
I was accepted into Harvard Business School in 1996, but I turned them down because I wanted to stay in technology.
I have 35 patents, and I managed a team of researchers who were granted more than 100 patents.
I launched an investment management company in 2007, and I launched a hedge fund in 2013.
I placed #1 of out 320 money managers for total return (50.5%) in 2019.

How about you big shot?

@BD66 Which either makes you a liar or a bullshit artist.... Admittedly that amounts to the same thing. As for Business degrees they teach the wrong aspects of how to run one. Businesses that succeed focus on maximizing long term SUSTAINABLE profits while professors (read them as failed businessmen) teach to maximize profits in a short term sense... As for being involved in a hedge fund that simply makes you one of the ignorant and pathetic jerks that are damaging the economy for personal gain while blaming others for your actions.
The 35 patents you brag about were no doubt other people's work from that team of researchers you "managed" right?... No different than how Edison worked...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz >He is uneducated.... As are most people in this country.

Your profile says 90 credit hours in college. His says he has worked at grad school level which means he has at least one bachelor's degree --- at least 180 credit hours.

You also are using ellipsis incorrectly. The correct use is ". . . for omitted material within a single quoted sentence. Use ellipsis points to show omission within the quotation. Omit any punctuation on either side of the ellipsis, unless the punctuation is necessary to make the shortened quotation grammatically correct."

Like most uneducated people in this country you're addicted the dots sans space until the message evolves into dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot.

>. . . yet has declared himself an "expert" on all three of those subjects hasn't he?...

He didn't claim to be an expert. He merely said what his understanding was on the subjects.

Notice under proper grammar one doesn't make a sentence with an ellipsis after ending one with a question mark. If a person gets out of freshman college English without flunking it, they wind up rarely using an ellipsis because all their future college instructors call them in on improper use.

At least you pay attention to a spell checker and can write a coherent paragraph. That is better than most high school graduates.

Disclaimer: I used to go to college to met coeds. Among other college degrees, community education diplomas and so on, I got my bachelor's degree in English in 2003.

Whoa, you wouldn't believe how many coeds! You can find them in technical schools as well.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You have wrongly accused me of being uneducated. You have wrongly accused me of being a liar. I will back up most of the things I have claimed with web links:

This was my Ph.D Thesis Work, with the images and figures from my thesis:


Note the references at the bottom have my name in them.

Here are some of my patents:


Here is the web site for my investment management company:


Here are the quarters where I placed at or near the top of investment managers in terms of performance:


This was a quarter when I had a top-performing fund:


I did not launch the hedge fund because I wanted to "damaging the economy for personal gain while blaming others for your actions" I launched the hedge fund because it gave me a way to take both long positions and short positions with IRA funds. In a typical IRA account, you can only take long positions. Taking profitable short positions made it possible for me to generate 50.5% returns in 2019.


Bunch of idiots! 🤬


Conservative Christians are destroying the country, not minorities...


Why is the USA still here after 3 and half Years of this God Damned MADNESS .

GEGR Level 7 Apr 16, 2020

Main reason: Trump lost the popular vote. The only reason he attained his office was because of a fluke in our electoral college. One reason for the fluke is the founding fathers assumed the people are too stupid to elect their own president.

Back in the 1800's the founding fathers were RIGHT. Most Americans were illiterate farmers who didn't have media access.

Times have changed. Only a tiny fraction of the population farms and they are generally college educated.

Why we still have the electoral college should be a major issue.


I must add, The people who backed him knew exactly how to game the system. The EC was put there as stated , to stop idiots from electing someone who could subvert the system. While the people of early USA maybe were illiterate, the people who voted trumph are idiots as well. And if you ever make the mistake of talking to one, you will find out really fast how dumb they are. Kicked in the head by a mule stupid. BUT that is just an opinion.

@praytothemilkjug > if you ever make the mistake of talking to one . . .

I'm surrounded by them. South Carolina overwhelmingly voted for him. Liberal democrat here is like an infidel in Iran.

@WonderWartHog99 A person close to me moved to NC by a relative, who doesn't hate it, but hardly likes it and is reasonably conservative. This person, very conservative and loves trump went to his local gym, there are 2.

The first thing he found in his locker

Giddeon Bible.

Cuz between reps ya gotta have scripture.

They lasted 4 DAYS, F O U R D A Y S .

It took a year, they finally got their old house back. But they got plenty of Gelt, us simple people would be screwed!


I went to visit relatives in NC, (see above comment), When I got out of the car on the NC/VIR. borderpeople saw my plates and made shit faces, gruff kinda sneary. Two months prior a dear friend, who had a very open mind, died of complications of TYPE 1 Juvenile diabedes. I got his NRA hats.

I put one on, (this was at a "rest area" ). The same people who kinda almost growled at me suddenly were nice to me. A few went out of their way to say "Nice Hat' and What kinda toys you got?

This happened everytime I put the hat on. Get an NRA Hat, go to a mall get one made. Dress nicely and then watch people as you put it on.

I had a very pretty lady 15 years my junior put her hand on my shoulder and say something like "I love a man who wears hats like that. I am short she was at least 2-3 inches taller, she purred the words. My wife was out of view. If I tried I could have gotten a quickie. Then I would have also lost a dozen IQ points.

Sing the praises of faking it.

@praytothemilkjug >. . . people saw my plates and made shit faces, gruff kinda sneary.

There are Yankees who visit and then there are dam Yankees -- the ones who move to Dixie.

If you can handle living there it is great, but never ever think you are accepted unless you are a praise singing of Jesus and Amen a lot. If they are polite, they ignore you after a big smiley hello. but eventually they try to convert you. if you are ANY religion o/t theres , they try.

Your kids will have no friends, nothing to do, no where to play.

We have lots of escapees here on LI as their economy is not stellar, unless you already made it, the old fashion way, like Drumpf YOU INHERITED IT!

I worked for a major converter, paper and plastic to bags for 6 years. I was thinking of moving to Virginia. I spoke to the TM in Richmond , his answer was a question. Do you and the misses intend to Procerate? my answer was, huh? Ya know kid, make babies.. Well I guess was my reply. He came back don't move here unless you can make enough to send the kids to a catholic school, or a really good non religious private one.

Unless you don't mind idiots for children. He described everything I eventually found out. When Trump said NO REFUGEES from SHITHOLES he meant africa and near east, I mean southern baptists.

I do not mind Jesus, but keep him nailed up to his cross in your house. Catholics and main stream Lutherans don't try to convert you every second of every moment of contact, for the most part.

I recently banished a friend from HS days from my house as I could no longer take his Catholic social corrections.

This is hard as he rekindled a friendship after college and he went to another far east country to work. He was a full tilt F-Y atheist. I think he had a mental break down, and even asked his wife.

Oh well, a 45 year friendship shot to shit by mythology. I would feel better if he got drunk and fell in front of a bullet train.


@praytothemilkjug >I do not mind Jesus, but keep him nailed up to his cross in your house. Catholics and main stream Lutherans don't try to convert you every second of every moment of contact, for the most part.

With this group, you're preaching to the choir.

In South Carolina we have the "corridor of shame." It is a series of counties where the schools are so underfunded, students share 20 year old text books between them and worry about the school's roof falling in on them. That's because local schools depend largely on local real estate taxes. Ergo if everyone lives in a shack, public school is going to suck giant donkey dicks.

Anti-intellectualism is common here. I've often heard the locals use the phrase "book learning" and brag about finishing high school.

What am I doing here? I frequently run off to the mountains for camping and backpacking. Additionally I like to hunt down their plentiful supply of waterfalls. I had been living in Florida which features flat and boring geology for 500 miles in all directions.

@WonderWartHog99 I know this is hard, but can you escape? When the virus dies down, you can go to place like Miami, or NY or Boston etc. .

I am Guilty of acclimating. I can't leae the NYC area for too long, we have religious idiots and other infestations, but as beautiful as Upstate NY is or SC/NC/Vir are they contain such a density of density that to live there continuously might do to me what a construction job did for my kid. He is a recent graduate and got a job in engineering for an firm. His job was to go out to sites read what needed to be done take cores and tell them what was needed. They would just ignore the kid, they did not give a shit. He said he felt he was losing brain cells, he lost IQ by showing up. But pay the rent he must and after 6 months of looking he found an infinitely better position.

And he said he was meeting the idiots we discuss here. Something not as prevalent as it once was, like when I was a kid. Down south sure but not here.

You could really get things moving turn your property into a nudist colony!

You may get converts!


@praytothemilkjug >You could really get things moving turn your property into a nudist colony!

Odd you should say that. There are nearby nudist colonies which almost everyone ignores. Reason: they isolate their tiny clan behind fences. One may go to the park's office and pay a small fee to camp out by their lake.

There is the nudest colony fantasy of wild sex with attractive young people. However what it turns into is family groups with a naked grandpa and his three three naked great grandchildren. I've been to a few nudist beaches and had my fantasy stomped on hard.

@WonderWartHog99 More likey to get fat old white guys like me then lithe taned and well oil young women, or guys, for those that want the other!

@praytothemilkjug Because those "tanned and well oiled young women" like to talk to me, my temporary spouse, Petunia, refuses to let me go on camping trips by my lonesome.

Those gals have trouble getting their camp fires started. Therefore my camping trips include far too much fire starting materials. Once she sees me starting campfires for other people, Petunia has this annoying habit of ambling over to introduce herself. That's when the gals start introducing us to either their love interest, spouse or parent(s).

@WonderWartHog99 I understand...sigh

@praytothemilkjug Life is cruel. This has been an example.

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