5 13

Puts a whole new light on it

wolf041 7 Aug 11
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Welp. That's certainly how I will read it from now on!

scurry Level 9 Aug 13, 2020

So then 🙏🏻 Is when us boys used to make a fart noise with our hands

BudFrank Level 8 Aug 11, 2020

So THAT'S what that was 😀


No thanks lol


I smell a skunk.

Petunia, my alleged spouse, claims we live in the skunk capital of the world.

It's also Trump country. It figures.


Hey, farts at least have a purpose.

Kynlei Level 8 Aug 11, 2020

True, farts are actually more valuable than prayer. Who'd a thunk it?

@wolf041 In that case us old farts are the world's most valuable asset.

@WonderWartHog99 😀😀😀

Farts, like prayers, can make the person doing it feel good for a moment, but they have no effect on the person you happen to be thinking about while farting. Also, like praying, farting can annoy those around you.

@Ludo Farts have a literal purpose though. It's a byproduct of digestion. They feel good, they sound good. Prayers are just empty thoughts that don't mean anything.

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