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Personal responsibility for your own health starts with proper nutrition.

BDair 8 Aug 20
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Yes, the theme here is that proper nutrition is a big factor in maintaining your health, which is true, but if fatso's mask is really working so well in that regard, then why does it matter if someone else does not wear one? Hmmm??? So let the ones who want to wear a face mask do so, and for the ones who don't, if we die off prematurely, then it's no one's fault but our own, right?? And you will not be blamed for our insolence and resulting early death. If you and all of the people you care about survive, great!! You can have it put on your tombstone one day that you died a death that was not Covid-19 related, but you'll still be just as dead as anyone else in the cemetery. Think about it, if you can.

Randius Maximus
Logician Level 7 Aug 21, 2020

It is my opinion, that outdoors there is very little chance of transmission between passers by that are not coughing or sneezing. I don't wear a mask when hiking, biking, or sailing. If people have concerns due to health issues, they can isolate themselves as much as possible. When it is not possible they can wear a face shield and a surgical paper mask or N95 for near 100% protection. Those not living in fear can go about their lives.


Usually it is the obese one on a mobility scooter or the nutjob wearing a Trump hat who has to be told to put on a mask not the non-White..... I am guessing you got this on QAnon....


I mean, she's not wrong.

Kynlei Level 8 Aug 20, 2020

It's pretty damn cra cra when I am the voice of reason! What if large Marge has a thyroid problem? Judge not, beyotches!

The point is, if she is eating at McDonald's she does not have a healthful diet, which is the most important factor in maintaining a strong immune system.

@BDair ya got me there! Didn't see the M's!


Excellent strategy to minimalize folks with immuno-compromised conditions.
No everyone who is "at risk", is "at risk" by their own actions.
Gaslight much?

scurry Level 9 Aug 20, 2020

Modern society is very complicated and can't be reduced to a cartoon or meme. The point of this one seems to be that, If you don't take enough responsibility for your own health to eat healthy and build up your innate immunity, then you can not point fingers at others.

@BDair A bit like driving the sloth wagon within 2' of the unmasked person.
Interestingly in Victoria Australia joggers & cyclists are exempted from wearing masks. Everone else has to wear them.Who beside joggers & cyclists are most likely to be coughing & spluttering?




Robecology Level 9 Aug 20, 2020


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