You little rascal!
@Cutiebeauty He was! Lol
To see what happened to Alfafa, see: []
@WonderWartHog99 Alfalfa was an asshole but even assholes don't deserve to be shot! Poor dude!
@MichelleGar1 When you get out the buck knife to stab someone and they've got a loaded gun . . . . That's a good reason to die of gunshot wounds.
@WonderWartHog99 I remember this! Loved Eddie Murphy on SNL! Lol
I was expecting something with alfafa plant.
Like @frayedbear , I do not know what you are referring to. I sure can google it.
google, Our gang or little rascles.
@Zoohome I think he thinks that this meme is just about Americans being Americans and people from other countries will not get the joke. That's why I asked him if the show was never shown wherever he's from.
@glennlab it must be very old! I grew up without tv & for most of my life have been without it. Only this year did I buy a new one & break a ten year + abscence from viewing.
@FrayedBear 1922-1944
Is this American centric?
@FrayedBear Why do you think that? Was this show just shown in the United States?
@MichelleGar1 I've never ever encountered it - either in the UK or Australia.
@FrayedBear It's called Our Gang
@FrayedBear I guess you can say it's American centric since the characters are from America and I believe the date around the time of the series would be from the 1920's.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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