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How can evil atheists not let the nativity be displayed on public property? (Yes I heard a sermon lamenting this.)

altschmerz 9 Dec 13
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The war on Christmas is over, Walmart and Amazon won.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 13, 2020


And think of the pollution if you throw a petrol bomb in there!


Only straw man atheist hate Christmas, actual atheist just have a good time like everyone else.
There are more Christians that have doubts about December 25th than atheist since it has obvious pagan influences like the tree and yule log traditions.
It's just conservative media trying to make aliens of us.
Two can play that game.
For example: "Trump is a liar, his nickname is shit, his heart pumps piss, and he don't love Jesus."
Let that bounce around the kingdom hall a few months.

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Posted by noworry28Just move along, they are not going to think for themselves.

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