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Oh noes another dirty socialist... Remember to share these with Republicans you know...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Jan 3
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back when IKE was POTUS ppl were more aware of what was really going on in the economy & govt & wouldn't have accepted the ridiculous policies that have led to extreme income inequality.

Unfortunately they did which resulted in the McCarthy era and "The Big Red Hunt"

@Lizard_of_Ahaz , the Mcarthy hearings ended in april 1954.
IKE was POTUS from 1953-1961.

@callmedubious Yet still his attitudes remain with us. Don't believe me walk up to the next 100 people and ask them if socialism is good or bad and why they think so... My bet is that most of them will start saying shit that makes it obvious they don't even know what socialism is...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz , true, most are thoroughly brainwashed when it comes to understanding what real socialism is about.
but, sadly, it doesn't matter which system we have the greedy, sociopathic oligarchs/elites remain in charge.

@callmedubious Well Warnock took one of the Georgia seats from what I understand which would allow the impeachment of at least 13 Republican Senators. Doubtless though Nancy Pelosi will refuse to do any damned thing even though 11 of those Senators will be obviously guilty of sedition....
Over 100 Republicans removed from the House and Senate would be an excellent start...

@callmedubious Cori Bush four days into her first term has written a bill to expel all 11 Republican Senators who supported the coup along with more than 100 Republican members of the house. Many of the terrorists who invaded the capital building were carrying the Gladstone flag which is used as a symbol of the Libertarian party....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz , to be honest, i'm apolitical. doesn't matter which party is in power the oligarchs/elites still get their way.
i believe there is another financial collapse on the way. it was going to happen pre covid19 but now they have that as an excuse.
convenient, huh.


@Lizard_of_Ahaz , i'm probably too cynical but from what i've read of the history of the human race it seems that the bad men who can do something eventually get their way, regardless of the purity of the motives of the good men.

it always comes down to "he who has has the gold rules".

@callmedubious Which is why you need to have a high upper tier rate.... If you limit the gold you limit their rule...


Is #1 the answer to the c19 recession & budget deficits?

Actually those along with wealth inequality and economic crashes as well...

Notice that with a 90% upper tier tax rate the middle class wealth increases drastically and the bottom 90% of wage earners gradually shows a gain in economic wealth through investments, home ownership and savings. Meanwhile the upper 1/10 of a percent is forced to share their wealth with those working for them instead of hoarding it. The Upper tier tax rate shows an inverse curve to the amount of hoarded wealth which is the prime moving force behind poverty. This information is cited in the graphs and pretty obvious to anyone that progressive taxing works while trickle down when the upper tier goes down is a myth. This is easily proven by looking at two separate dates in the curves which are 1963 when JKF lowered the upper tier to 70% and 1982 when Reagan lowered it to 28% and started taxing Social Security. Thomas Piketty noticed the wealth inequality in the Kuznets curve but didn't notice the inverse curve in the upper tier tax rate and instead erroneously blamed the upper tier's wealth percentage decrease to "civil disturbance and wars" which while it did have a small effect causing minor fluctuations in an otherwise relatively smooth curve (no curve is perfect and only looks so if you smooth it out) it is the upper tier rate which is the primary match to the Kuznets curve.

Also keep in mind that a living wage for workers is extremely important to affordability for the working class. I saw an example today where the Tennessee Valley Authority which is a federal government controlled entity dating from the FDR era is now shutting off electricity and water to customers who can no longer afford to pay their bills due to the pandemic. In Memphis the article stated that because of the low wages in that state the average person before the pandemic was paying over 25% of their earnings for subsidized electricity and water supplied by the US government. California doesn't have these subsidizes in water or electricity yet last month my bill went up due to what is called a cold snap (aka way colder than average temperatures) and my total of gas, water, electricity and city services (trash, street cleaning, etc) went up to nearly 7% of my monthly income.
So much for the claim of lower cost of living in the red states eh?...

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