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It can't be just me

glennlab 10 Jan 13
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Lol. At least you are well looked after

RoyMillar Level 9 Jan 13, 2021

I can handle the rum and tequila, but vodka literally gets me sick. (Drank too much at 18 - long story, quite interesting- I only know of it from others telling me).

I did that at 17 nearly a whole 750ml bottle and chased it with beer... I was hung over like a bastard for two days...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I stepped out of a moving car into a rose bush. I have no memory, but I've been told. And the rose bush - I was very thorned.

@Beowulfsfriend I remember telling people how faced I was and that after that I wasn't to be held responsible for my actions... Last thing I remember was barfing on the table and then waking up in bed. I couldn't even drink water until later in the day.


I've been looking for the same thing for years and fortunately haven't found it yet


Now that's fucking funny! 😀

Surfpirate Level 9 Jan 13, 2021

So says the man currently plastered to the wall! 😉

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