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Opinions and facts are two different things.

jeshuey 8 Apr 4
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Of course we are entitled to opinion, but if two people are in dispute , then both parties are wrong until
both parties have done the science as near as possibly with equal methodology. If they then disagree a third party will determine who is right It remains right as long as there are further parties agree with the agreement found previously. Science is about Doing not just saying or passing it on.


And i cannot say this enough: "alternate facts" ain't.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, no one is entitled to their own facts.

Learn the difference.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 4, 2021

What about experiences?

@Castlepaloma Your experiences are your own. But they are only anecdotal.

Most important is to know yourself. What is better of knowing something than from your own experience as fact or closer to the truth? . Experience is much more reliable than many of the evidences I see online about religion, political or the 1%.

@Castlepaloma You need to understand the dcifference between fact and opinion, If it is unreliable, it is fucking opinion, facts are provable, experience gives only the outcome based on that unique set of circumstances and may or may not be able to be extrapolated to the larger universe.

Religion and politics are by their very definition opinion, so off course you will have a difference of experience. RTFQ.


I find deep nationalism here on this forum. When it comes to my personal and professional experiences working with natural holistic foods and medicine. Compare to their options and claim is that their Government and FDA science is factual and mine is not. I posted a satire post on it called, 10 top things the government and FDA has done for us. This time most agreeable.

@Castlepaloma This particular forum page is dedicated to humor. Preaching about natural and holistic foods and medicine really belong on another page. I would probably disagree with you on some and agree on others. but those would ONLY BE OPINIONS. Facts are only those things that can be proven, anecdotes are not proof.

When I joke, I'm being most serious, just like this post is trying to make a point . Anecdotes are just fluff evidence. My professional hardwork for decades is not an anecdote. A holistic living is a service to humanity health worldwide. I generally don't take life too seriously, humor is especially great medicine for recent worldwide maddness .


Preach it, Brother!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 4, 2021
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