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How difficult a concept is this to grasp?

jeshuey 8 Apr 6
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we do like to splain stuff huh

bbyrd009 Level 7 Apr 7, 2021

it's a gnostic thing, i guess 🙂



bobwjr Level 10 Apr 7, 2021

Yep, it goes back to the question, "If God created the universe, then who or what created God?"

Julie808 Level 8 Apr 7, 2021

"God" being firmly defined there, of course


You got me there.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 6, 2021

Point Set Match. Have used that argument many times usually to the stuttered response of the faithful

ppl who can't find 95% of creation, thinking they can splain stuff, lol


There are no explanations. We have hypotheses that are supported by facts to varying degrees.

Claims of a god or a creator aren't even hypotheses because they explain nothing and are unfalsifiable. These claims seek to end inquiry, and not to increase understanding.

racocn8 Level 9 Apr 6, 2021

well, or so you currently believe anyway, sure
imo i would understand that the opposite must also then be true; "Claims of no god or creator aren't even hypotheses because they explain nothing and are unfalsifiable."

gave you a like for part one tho 🙂

@bbyrd009 As god has no consensus definition or meaning, it is especially meaningless to hypothesize that such an undefined entity doesn't exist.

However, a multitude of phenomena have been ascribed to gods, but research and science have revealed natural/non-supernatural explanations for most of these phenomena. The need for gods to make lightening, wind, blooming flowers, etc., have all been falsified. Thus, a very good argument is that the god of the gaps has rapidly shrunk and, projected to disappear. One could reasonably expect the remaining unexplained features to gain good explanations. One could say that the evidence has grown and grown to hypothesize that god doesn't exist. Absence of evidence is evidence of absence; not proof, but evidence.

The proof that Humans evolved from lower forms invalidates the Genesis story and with it, the cause of Original Sin. Showing Original Sin has no basis similarly invalidates the dogma of a Christ-Savior being needed to atone for that Original Sin. Human evolution doesn't disprove Christianity via any scientific tenet; The invalidation is pure corollary.

There's the age old adage. You can't prove a negative.
The religious conveniently forget. In times before the conseption of mathematics & physics, philosophy & biology.
The sheer wonderment of nature was unexplained. So a creator was conceived as the only answer . Any other hypothesis was considered witch craft. In the words of the truly great & sadly missed Christopher Hitchens ". Religion poisons everything "

@racocn8 "The proof that Humans evolved from lower forms invalidates the Genesis story"
ah, you think so? How?

"Showing Original Sin has no basis similarly invalidates the dogma of a Christ-Savior being needed to atone for that Original Sin."
well, No son of man may die for another's sins is pretty clear i guess, yeh
once you get it anyway
"religion poisons everything"


It is actually much easier to explain a Universe without a creator because math can prove something can come from nothing.

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