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A what-in-the-what?!!!

QuidamOutrepont 8 May 5
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Socks in Crocs?

KateOahu Level 8 May 6, 2021

NRA school wear


A pew-pew in a shit shoe???

phxbillcee Level 10 May 5, 2021

& boy, are you lucky Eric isn't here!!!


That doesn't look dangerous at all! <sarcasm>

K8TE Level 5 May 5, 2021

Or the sequel Glock in a Sock in a Croc.

It might make sense if that was a glock.

@Tejas My Bad, Canadian you see, we treat guns as useful tools and not as handguns to play cowboy with, because always being ready to shoot someone in the face with your revolver is more of an American thing to do.

@Surfpirate well if you Canadians ever get invaded for your resources, just ask your big brother to the south for some help.

@Tejas Yeah, we did that in 1812, had to give The White House it's new name after we burnt it down. You know what we don't have in Canada that Americans have? Children living in fear of mass school shootings, you must be so proud of your right to bear handguns - only thing they are good for is shooting other people. Grow Up, like the rest of the world.

@Surfpirate boasting about 200 year old history oof. Give Canada our population, diversity and culture and you'd wish you had the right to bear arms too. Your country is a baby compared to the us

@Tejas We're actually older and I would say quite a bit more civilized but I don't expect you to understand this because you seem to think that you can find security in a weapon that on average kills it's owner or a member of their family rather than providing the protection it was purchased for. You keep living in fear, we're doing just fine up here in Canada - the #1 country in the world according to the last worldwide survey - I think the USA came in around 19 or 20.

@Surfpirate i meant baby as in not really relevant. Guns don't go off by themselves, accidents can happen or negligent use are the reasons specified. I prefer people to remain vigilant not fearful, so if something ever happens people are more prepared rather than soft countries like canada.

@Tejas and yet some how we have the best snipers in the world, come on up and see if you can survive January, especially with a population that actually knows how to shoot a long rifle with accuracy, in the dead of winter - by dead I mean those Yankee invaders. We have as many guns per capita as the US but what we don't have is a bunch of paranoid people wandering around the streets with handguns because we grew up a long time ago.

@Surfpirate if you want to talk about military the us is hands down stronger in every way to your country. You consider an armed population silly, it just shows me your ignorance.

@Tejas, @Surfpirate Now children, play nicely

@Tejas the US really is the most hated country in the world, must have something to do with all of the invasions, coups and outright thievery that they engage in. Now there's something to be really proud of, little wonder you have so many mass murders, even Americans hate Americans.

@Surfpirate better than being a bunch of pussies

@Tejas you're the one who has to sleep with a gun to feel safe, I don't even lock my doors. meow 😀

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