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For some reason this reminds me of Israel.

Lorajay 9 May 11
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In the celebrated thesis of Thomas Malthus ( vice and misery impose the ultimate natural limit on the growth of populations.

This scientist, JOHN B.CALHOUN, PH. D., National Institute of Mental Health wrote " Population Density and Social Pathology" in the 1962 edition of Scientific American....and it changed my life's direction.

The solution is simply family planning

China tried to enforce this on their worked for a while- but not without grave suffering.

Today China has a lower percentage living in extreme poverty than the US...So it worked for them....but again...we've all heard of the forced abortions. The embryos in the streets. The imbalance of abortions (far more girls than boys) has resulted in a very dominant (54%) male population in China.

The big question do we persuade our humanity to control its' own growth in a pleasant way.?

Robecology Level 9 May 12, 2021

Spot on. Palestinian families who have lived in East Jerusalem for generations are being evicted so that Jewish settlers can move in.

Moravian Level 8 May 12, 2021

Pretty much what they have done to the the Palestinian people since they were dumped there because nobody wanted European Jews but did want to make biblical "prophecy" come true...


What the actual duck!?

scurry Level 9 May 11, 2021

It does, doesn't it. I am not an anti-Semite, except to the extent I loathe all religions, but not necessarily the adherents, but I am not a fan of Israeli actions re; Palestine.

phxbillcee Level 10 May 11, 2021

Yea, I like to remind the right wingers that we give billions to Israel in strait up aid and also billions in actual weapons, or reduced prices - then add that Israel has free college and health care, for citizens.

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