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No more Ikea for me

glennlab 10 May 23
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You might laugh at the "fiberboard" that composes most Ikea furniture....but they're doing great business for good reasons...Their furniture holds up better than most. I'm on my 3rd exchange for "Rooms to go" - not because of the fiberboard (that they likely use) but the alleged "leather" they use has a life that seems like planned obsolescence to me.

Robecology Level 9 May 24, 2021

They say plywood is to lumber what baloney is to meat.

In comparison to chipboard plywood is like gold bar to cooking alfoil in value & quality.


Just hand that off to a speed freak, he'll get it done!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 23, 2021

Meth heads are great at taking shit apart but like their lives can't ever seem to get it back together again.... If you ever go to a storage action you will find out what I mean if you buy a unit full of boxes sealed with duct tape....


Were are the screws?

Nothing was said about needing a driver - phillips or flathead!

@FrayedBear With Ikea there are always screws....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I wouldn't know never having bought.

@FrayedBear Overpriced pressboard crap is all...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz & yesterday someone was going on about plywood being crap. I remarked that plywood vompared to what we call chipboard is like comparing gold bars to alfoil.

@FrayedBear Chipboard is actually stronger than plywood in normal construction but pressed board is just sawdust glued together and worthless crap.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I suspect that your your pressed bosrd is what I know as hardboard in the UK. It may also be low density fibreboard.
I did not know that chipboard can be stronger than plywood.
Some fibreboard is useful for insulation purposes.
Back in the 50's there was a chipboard called coachwood that was superior.
Chipboard is heavier than plywood.
The art of marquetry is a form of plywood - try doing something artistic with chipboard. 😁

@FrayedBear 3/4 inch chipboad is often used for subfloors and extremely strong as well as fire resistant. 3/8 inch is used for roofs and has about the same rating as 7/16 plywood. I used to repair mobile homes for a while and did some construction when I was younger. During the Mobile home repair days I saved the park owner a small fortune in possible lawsuits and repair costs and he loved me for it. He was looking at trashing one doublewide because the ceiling was sagging about 8 inches until I told him I could fix it for him. When he saw the "decorative" support beam I built into the unit he gave me a very nice little bonus.

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