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Life lessons, just in case you need them

glennlab 10 May 27
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I get it, totally agree, yet only kinda. I am conflicted, I would rather not belittle and berate anyone, yet such hateful and ignorant people are unnecessarily horrible in such regards. It's just, it would be great to live in peace. And not cause more hate, yet ah well, we must defend our selves and for a better humanity there need not be anyone who is ignorant to another's plight and to be so shortsighted as to divide and hate based on nothing but worthless opinion.

(I love this as much as hate this.) Thank you for standing up for us.

Ello Level 6 July 2, 2021

At the risk of sounding self serving I agreed whole heartedly. 💜 🏳️‍⚧️


That's an awesome way to explain that.

freedom41 Level 9 May 27, 2021

I thought so too

@glennlab Makes sense to me. Hate & fear, just for hate & fear's sake seems a shitty way to be & live. Do these sad "people" think it's catching? Seems they think that of 'gayness', too. Really pathetic.


Democrat is just "Comrade" plus a "t".

BD66 Level 8 May 27, 2021

I like having comrades, friends & family. Unlike the supposedly "family values" Repugnantans that seem to now value the Big Lie, voter suppression & worship one of the worst this country has ever produced.

& ignorant is just, well, ignorant.

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