What do you expect if you don't give your number out or answer calls? Read my post #MagicPudding.
@FrayedBear Female alien
@MichelleGar1 The Alien who gives freely of her Magic Pudding which is enjoyed by all villagers apart from the nasty shaman whose deceptions are undone.
However how can you claim that when you won't even answer your phone?
Tried calling. You didn’t pick up.
@MsKathleen I called you back and eventually added metalhead222 to the call!
Thank you for the good conversation and it was fun hearing from you!
@MichelleGar1 I enjoyed our call. Thanks for adding Brian in!
@MsKathleen Thank you! He said he enjoyed talking to you too!
That annoying app called Phone, can I remove it?!
@1950debris That's why there's texting! Lol
@MichelleGar1 Tell that to my digits. Please.
What's a call?
@glennlab Right! I never answer phone calls! Lol
@MichelleGar1 what's wrong with you. Why do you think you have the power of speech?
@FrayedBear A lot of things are wrong with me! I don't have any power of speech, don't know why you had to say anything anyway! Which character in the magic pudding story are you portraying with your comment?
@MichelleGar1 Doesn't having the power of speech make you different from pigs, donkeys, cows?
But perhaps you want to be a dumb (speechless) animal?
Montgomery's story portrays many characters. He asks which portrays you the closest leaving you with the inferred question of "if I do a, b &c will I become like the character that I think is better?" if you have one?
The person - man or woman, who has nothing wrong with them has not been born yet. In other words you have that trait along with the other 8+ million inhabitants, including me, of this planet.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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