7 14

pretty much sums it up and Florida is top of my "places I'm not visiting anymore" list

bookofmorons 9 Aug 6
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As a Florida resident since '77, I concur with the horrible attitude of DeSantis....but I'm confident that we progressive/liberals who live here are on the brink of change. Did you know that there's more registered Democrats than Republicans in our state?

Florida is on the verge of turning's not a matter of if...but when.

And I live on the east Coast - in sight of the beach...I love it here!

hoping that's true!

@bookofmorons Many I know refer to him as DuhSantis. He thinks that he can B.S. his way through politics. I think Americans feel too burned by Trump to support him.

@Robecology certainly hope so


My narcissistic mother and two of my flying monkey brothers moved to Floriduh in the past 5 years so Iā€™m not visiting any more either especially with Governor Deathsentence in charge.

My son was stationed at NAS Key West for three years so I have driven from top to bottom of state many times and the stupid is everywhere.




You missed the 'not'.
Fuck vacationing in the US. Go to Jamaica all inclusive.


I am proud to say I have Always hated, humid, gigantic bugs all year round, and old guys wearing shorts with dress shoes & socks....UGH!


Not for me, thanks.

KateOahu Level 8 Aug 6, 2021

I hope you like seafood.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 6, 2021
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