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Best argument for a vaccine mandate

OldMetalHead 9 Sep 5
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Oh, and when the chemical poisons do not work, the smart people stay away from them and the stupid people rush in to get them, and then try to force them on the smart people via mandates!!

Logician Level 7 Sep 7, 2021

Real vaccines that actually work, do NOT need to be mandated at all!! The smart people will gladly rush to get them, and the stupid people who refuse them will die off through natural deselection! When chemical experiments that are NOT real vaccines and do NOT work as claimed, THAT is when they need to be mandated!! Get it yet?? Look at Israel, 80% of the population has been shot up with poisons, and they are a hot spot for illnesses and death!! When are people going to wake up to this scamdemic??

Logician Level 7 Sep 7, 2021

The alternate was to do as they did in WW1
Drive a herd of sheep across the mine field back and forth until all the danger has gone, because no matter how many of their compatriots they see die, the sheep will still not see the danger they are in

Even better analogy. 🙂


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