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The hills have eyes!

glennlab 10 Oct 1
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bobwjr Level 10 Oct 2, 2021

I was talking on the phone to my son about a year after 9/11. We started talking about politics, current events, etc. and must have said some key words that triggered some listening device because the line made some weird connection sounds and started clicking and whirring. We laughed about it being the CIA. It happened again a few weeks later on another call in similar circumstances. I mentioned it to my older brother who is exCIA and kind of a jerk and the fact that he didn’t mock or insult me, confirms our belief.



KateOahu Level 8 Oct 1, 2021

Still watching the paint dry...

OldGoat43 Level 9 Oct 1, 2021

Pity the fool who has to watch me … got to be the most boring job on the planet! 🥱

That's why they use computers.

@racocn8 Ah, but computers are only capable of detecting change. Until AI is perfected, some poor sap still has to look at the files where change has been detected by a computer.

I took a class called Information Therapy in 1975. Students reviewed folders on technology subjects the prof had collected over time. One of my folders discussed artificial languages and part of it related to the potential capacity to analyze speech and convert it into scripts and the capacity to use primitive AI to parse the scripts into meaningful content. From that I surmised that we had the technology to use computers to analyze phone conversations en masse and then screen them for illegal conduct. Presumably, metadata could also be filtered to identify suspects engaged in criminal behavior.


I really need to stop doing this...

Can't help myself!!

Rignor Level 7 Oct 1, 2021

If you hadn't I probably would have!

@phxbillcee worst part is.. now it's tuck in my head!!

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