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jeshuey 8 Feb 4
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I'm more worried about the other drivers than the road.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 4, 2022

Around here we have a Huge population of submariners & their families, many if not most are from far away.......and have No idea how to drive in snow, and are even More clueless on how to Stop in it. They seem to feel that 4-wheel drive makes everything just like a sunny day in June,, as witnessed by the huge pile-ups of almost exclusively 4-wheel drive vehicles during even minor flurries.
I tend to keep stocked-up, and stay home.

@AnneWimsey I was stationed in Denver and Spokane, coming out of Houston. The road to the base was littered with cars in the wheat fields the first snow, and each time we had a long dry period before the next snow. I feel your pain.


stealin' that (Way too many such questions today on an FB weather geek site I follow LOL)

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