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Old but gold

OldMetalHead 9 Mar 25
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Those of us with half a brain or better know that most of the old testament was made up stories....and when they saw too much negativity - well - they created a story (obviously fiction) about this guy who was god's son who god let die so he could forgive their killers (again, an almost WTF story).

I sort of have a Lewis Black POV on the bible;

Robecology Level 9 Mar 26, 2022

Nor are they made of mud with Adam having one rib missing and Eve having just one rib. It’s a made up fable to support tribalism and patriarchy so won’t make much sense to anyone with sense.. The scammers had to make up a story that showed men created first and that denigrated women’s amazing ability to bleed profusely every month without dying, grow another human in their bodies, give birth and feed babies from their bodies.

That’s all portrayed as unclean, animalistic and a punishment by god instead of praising the sex that is propagating the species.


Artist are not acclaimed for their superior intellect, mostly their talent.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 25, 2022

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