3 10

The truth is hiding in there somewhere.

glennlab 10 Apr 20
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Yep, wish someone would have handed me the pool net on Easter... I've got a cut on my nose and forehead from the pool net, which is stored in a handy place for Andre the Giant maybe, but I'm only 5'6" so by the time I tipped the heavy pole with the net over its hook, it bonked my on the head.

Normally I wait for someone taller than me to scoop the leaves out of the pool, but only people there this past Sunday was an older woman shorter than me... So, I sacrificed my face for all the swimmers who came after me that day. Since I get my picture taken for a living, my recent weddings have all been photographed with my back to the camera, haha!

Makeup only does so much for the bloody cuts turning to scabs and bruises on my face. I know, first world problems, waa waa waah, I hurt myself cleaning the pool so I could go swimming. Just sharing since my nose and forehead still hurt! Thinking about asking the Homeowners association to move the pool tool hook a few inches lower, so it doesn't happen again. I think I'm shrinking, since I used to be able to reach it!

Julie808 Level 8 Apr 20, 2022

We call them folk who create biased posts like this "heightists".

Hey...but if Randy Newman can joke about "short people" I guess Glenn can...

Robecology Level 9 Apr 20, 2022

I always try to give them a hand up but for some reason it comes up short

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