3 17

Oh, now it all makes sense! Haha!

Julie808 8 July 1
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Trump is full of narcissistic rage so this is typical behavior for him. My narcissistic ex husband was constantly throwing dishes with food. He’d throw them at me, at sink, at wall and floor. I bought plastic dishes to prevent injuries to my children and me when daddy got angry. It sort of cured it. Then I stopped cleaning up after it. I’d leave the mess there for days. He pretty much ended the behavior.

Glad to see he is your ex. Nobody should be on the receiving end of that kind of narcissistic rage. Glad you stopped cleaning up the mess. Wish the valet at the White House would have been that bold to say "You clean that mess up yourself old man - we're not doing it anymore!" But then the gravy boat of ketchup would have been thrown at him, I suppose. Crazy SOB.


Unless they serve Big Macs on china plates I doubt he's ever seen any

He is a purported billionaire who has gold plated toilets so I think he eats even his Big Macs off the good dishes.


That's the only way he was tough on china.

glennlab Level 10 July 1, 2022

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