7 18

Must say, my NYE plans are shaping up nicely.

(And Happy New Years too all of you on - love the place!)

bookofmorons 9 Dec 31
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Those are my plans for New Year's Day, except maybe a walk on the beach or a bike ride. Tonight, since I have somewhere nearby to go, I will support the place that has offered entertainment and food all year long, and tip the musicians well too.

Julie808 Level 8 Dec 31, 2022

supporting local - love it !! Me too


I befriended my mom's occupational therapist and she invited me to her house for a small get together tonight. I'm going for a little bit, maybe all night, see how it goes!

Happy New Year to all!!!! 🍾🥂🥳🍻🤗🤘🎊🎉

Nice connection and sounds like a good idea for NYE too!

@bookofmorons She seems cool and her and I get along. Happy New Year!!!


Taking a spiral-cut ham to a small quiet gathering at the home of a friend, same as 6 years now...driving home quietly and defensively after having club soda all evening. We may play Trivial Pursuit or the like.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Dec 31, 2022

Where'd you find my ticket?

jeshuey Level 8 Dec 31, 2022

I have more if you need em LOL


I'm close to early dinner has been reserved at a local nice restaurant...then "stay home, do nothing" for two, please?

Robecology Level 9 Dec 31, 2022

Looks like I'll be there too.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 31, 2022

always room for one more


They are my New Years every year.
I do not pay exorbitant parking fees
Not concerned about the traffic on the road
I am not afraid of getting pulled over for a breathalyser test,
Not afraid some drunk driver is going to hit me. or a drunk stagger in front of my car
No problems with public transport
I can find the bathroom at when needed.
I go to bed when I feel like it in my own home not in some police cell with others sleeping it off.
Besides, being an old fart, I have been to so many NY parties, Attending anymore would become a habit.
Habits are all the rage for Nuns but for an old thorny devil, not so much

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