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I don't think this applies to anyone here.

glennlab 10 June 30
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Faith is the REJECTION of reason and logic, defaulting to whatever BS emerges.

racocn8 Level 9 July 1, 2024

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Posted by glennlabI don't think this applies to anyone here.

Posted by glennlabI thought I'd post this before the clock runs out on June

Posted by KilltheskyfairyMarriage, am I right?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyMarriage, am I right?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyMarriage, am I right?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyMarriage, am I right?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyMarriage, am I right?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyBaking tips…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyBaking tips…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyBaking tips…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyBaking tips…

Posted by glennlabThe real conmen are still out there and just as dangerous as ever.

Posted by glennlabThey brought a ton of shit with them in the name of their god

Posted by glennlabThis is not aimed at any ONE individual, but at a whole host of offenders.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyTermination thoughts…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyTermination thoughts…

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