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Not in my America

RobertMartin 8 July 6
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WTF Big businesses get welfare through big tax cuts and don't give a shit if this great country turns into a 3rd world country.

gigihein Level 8 July 7, 2018

Bullshit! That is not & has never been Socialism. Simplistic & juvenile!

phxbillcee Level 10 July 6, 2018

Everyone rolling their eyes, grunting, or any other type of expression of disapproval with this meme, can I send you my bank account for you to send your graceful contribution, donation, charity, non profit help, social program for my own benefit or whatever you want to call it..... I just don't feel like working anymore and all my bills are struggling to understand my logic !!!!! Thanks in advance, I am sure whatever wealth you may have is corrupting your ethical well being, so this is my way to help you !!!!

IamNobody Level 8 July 6, 2018

That is not Socialism, that's charity. Totally different thing. If you're not fond of social programs go ahead & opt out of Social Security, Medicare, Public Libraries & many other Public Works that have been instituted! That was the most juvenile "example" of Socialism I've seen in some time!

You could always move to a country that's practices libertarianism .there's plenty of those in the world....not

@phxbillcee. To me and how I viewed democratic wasnt considered socialism when I started voting 42 years ago. Caring about poor, disabled, disenfranchised and wealthy who benefit from living here be part of the solution.

@phxbillcee so no monies for me?...oh well

@Kojaksmom Either you didn't understand the sarcasm of my comment or it's easy to support the spreading wealth concept as long as it is not your own. (Which is my point). No, I am not going anywhere, I am a hard working individual. I don't have any problem earning everything with my own work.


Where's my rolls eyes and yawns emoji?

Kojaksmom Level 8 July 6, 2018


Bakunin Level 7 July 6, 2018



I'm stealing this!

LEPeff Level 8 July 6, 2018

It's all yours, brother.

Gee, isn't that socialism???

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