5 9

Shouldn't take us long.

Tomfoolery33 9 July 9
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NASA is already starting to colonize Mars. They've been taking applications for a few years. They are planning on only sending a few people at first, then a few more every so years. If picked you BETTER like the people that go with you! There's no return ticket...


I wonder if we'll fuck them up too.

Kojaksmom Level 8 July 9, 2018

Almost certainly!


Wherever we go, there we are!

phxbillcee Level 10 July 9, 2018

We Terraform Mars, so we know how to put Earth back into good shape.


So much easier than helping our planet and using tne technology we have to work foward reversing climate change. I just started audiobook Drawdown by Paul Hawken. I am looking at what I can change to offset the many tnings the UP (Trump) is undoing toward reversing global warming. I think Space Force is his plan to bail from the decimated planet.

gigihein Level 8 July 9, 2018
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