6 9

The irony hurts.

Snickers77 8 July 11
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Avoid self checkout whenever possible. It's just another way for capitalist piglets to squeeze a little cash out of a customer instead of paying an employee. Always go to a lane with a cashier.

Bakunin Level 7 July 11, 2018

I never use self check out

zorialoki Level 8 July 11, 2018

The absolute cluelessness & tone-deafness is amazing!

phxbillcee Level 10 July 11, 2018

I fucking hate Walmart

Livinlife Level 9 July 11, 2018

Everyone hates Walmart, but we still gravitate toward there.

@RobertMartin I guess so. I bought three things from them, total. Not proud of myself for it


Self serve is one thing that’s changed in retail and restaurant industries.

They have kiosks at Wal-Mart, but the vast majority of checkout is still done by cashiers.

Many Wal-Marts are understaffed due to high turnover rate. I know, big shock right?! Turns out even employees have a threshold for maximizing bullshit and not enough pay to justify the headache.

McDonalds also has self-serve kiosks too, because they rather have most of their employees dedicate themselves in making the food and delivering than just relying on operating a touch screen many normal people are already capable of.

Many of those restaurants are also understaff because the labor demanded many feel isn’t worth the pay, again.

Even if you take two of the biggest franchises out of it, more restaurants are letting people put in extras to their orders and paying for their own bill at kiosks at the tables.

Trying to manipulate the system to split the check the way the party wants can waste valuable time when volume is everything.

So it’s not so muc a company’s way to be lazy, it’s a way to improve efficiency with their limited support staff.

Vipyr82 Level 7 July 11, 2018

Sad but true. I live about 20 miles from Walmart's home office. Not only cashiers' jobs, but high tech IT jobs filled with cheaper foreign labor on temporary visas.

Krysia22 Level 7 July 11, 2018
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