8 7

Where do I begin. But there are some things that I wouldn't change for anything. A few of my never again:

  1. Walk into a country bar & listen to country music
  2. Go on a roller coaster, twice was enough for me.
  3. Go in a church or to any kind of religious event
  4. Slam 4 Long Island Ice teas in one given setting
  5. Live or move to a city
mistymoon77 9 July 13
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Date a Republican

Sydland Level 7 July 15, 2018

Pee uphill or into the wind ....

Rudy1962 Level 9 July 14, 2018

Dang, girl, I didn't have any of your picks on my "anti-list"!
Never get involved with a religious or conservative woman.
Never buy my drugs from a house that looks worse than mine.
Never count on opioids to cure my chronic pain, but never believe the docs that all of a sudden act like they don't exist for you!
Never discount a long distance relationship, as hell, who knows!
Never say never, which sorta links into the last one!
Never assume I have the final answer! I'm sharp, but by no means perfect. Realize that I may be full of shit!
Never again automatically discount the decision to not extend my enlistment. I could have 'used' the service for a bunch of schooling, & still served! Not my brightest move!
Watch my tendency to be too much of a "goody-two-shoes" in relationships, & let real experiences pass me by because I was too much a "thoughtful" guy. Idiot, quite often, not necessarily doing the right thing, as being 'righteous', almost as bad as the religious at times! I was far too often a prude, even tho I had been through some very "different" situations!
I'd like to say never put myself in the position of taking care of my Mom, & tho I often sorta wish that, she stays home due to my being here. She feels safer & more secure, & I can't take that away from her!
A lot of things I did were likely dumb as shit, but I did them, & hopefully learned & experienced.

phxbillcee Level 10 July 14, 2018

Too insightful for this hour! 😉


Get married again.


Oh that's easy - get my car stuck down an impenetrable road - twist my ankle and hike out through the woods into a Nudist Camp.

That was one particularly bad year of my life I never intend to repeat. And that was the highlight.

RavenCT Level 9 July 13, 2018

omg... way funny.. I am sure not at the time.. but damn, what are the odds.

@mistymoon77 Well I've lived within a few miles of a very large Nudist Camp most of my life? But did I realize where I'd come out of the woods? No.

They have fencing on the MA side. Not so on the CT side! lol

  1. Go to a Christian college
  2. Stay in a controlling relationship
  3. Judge myself or others based on their sexual history (unless they did something without consent)
  4. Have an unrequited crush for more than a year
  5. leave my debit card at a gas station
  6. Total my mom’s car
  7. Be a doormat

Those are good ones.. 👍

  1. Have anymore kids
  2. Have an official marriage
  3. Nude sun bathing
  4. Live in a cold climate
    5.Join anymore singles groups

Have 'dates" with 2 women that were housemates.One on one side of the house,the other at the complete other end of the house.on the same night.the reason i wouldnt do it again?as it turns out,both women,unbeknownst to any of us,had plans for me in life...TALK ABOUT A CATFIGHT.i WAS LUCKY TO ESCAPE WITH MOST OF MY SKIN

lookinhard Level 7 July 13, 2018
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