This is why we eat them. To gain their strength.
So true! But the deadliest animal in the US is the bee, I believe. Worldwide, mosquitoes of course.
@Snickers77 Mosquitoes kill 2 or 3 million a year with malaria alone. Not counting Zika or Dengue (I think that's mosquitoes) West Nile, etc. etc. Do you happen to know the yearly rates for humans? Wars, murders, & what else? They've concluded that Volkswagen killed several thousand extra people with their illegal diesel emissions. They just don't know which ones. What an interesting topic this is turning out to be!
@Snickers77 Great insight! Honeybees were introduced to the US from Europe, for one thing.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.