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Old McDonald

zorialoki 8 Aug 5
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Even though women swear up and down they want, above all, you to be honest. They are lying their asses off and being dishonest.

Anonbene Level 8 Aug 5, 2018

That is a good way of putting it

You can be honest, you just don't have to be brutally honest. There are ways of being compassionately honest that won't result in tears.

Also, somtimes its about feeling validated, and there's nothing wrong with that. We all need a sense of validation from time to time. Maybe they're having a moment of insecurity and want us to help them overcome it. Or maybe we haven't made them feel wanted in a bit. Or maybe they just had a bad day and need a boost.

Whatever the reason it's important to pay attention to our woman, what they say and how they say it, so we can best give them what they need.

I'm no longer an emotional support human for inconsequential insignificant pleas from immature women fishing for compliments.

Yes, you look fat no matter what you wear because you are fat.

Don't like the answer you should have been mature and self aware enough to not bring that particular stupid question up in the first place.
A more appropriate question might have been, do you still love me.
To that I would answer, No. Now I adore you and I don't care how you look because you've always been the most beautiful women that I have ever seen.

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