Cool. I had no idea that he was the source for so many of these.
Nazi police are a fucking pain in the ass. They are irritating. I post things no matter what and yes, there are some memes that have misspelled shit but so what, as long as one can read the message or the point gets across, thats all that matters.
On the other hand... while innocent mistakes should be passed by most of the time - language use is going to hell in a hand basket. I tutor part time online, and the grammar frightens me more than the lack of skills in my tutoring subject. We are condoning raising an entire generation of idiots.
@poetdi56 I do agree with that. I am old school myself and still write cursive style. Most kids now days have no clue what that is. So sad. It's just the nit pickers on here that drive me nuts. If this was an English group or something that pertains to the correct use of words, spelling, etc., then I can see it.
@mistymoon77 Yeah, people can be super-pedantic, for sure!!!!!!!! However - I still put a disclaimer on anything with a misspelling because, well, I do have a reputation to uphold. LOL
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.