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Well damnit...yesterday I buried my phone under a couple tons of cow shit accidentally. Now I have a new one and can't remember passwords... I'm memeless.
Your loss.

Captnron59 9 Aug 22
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No shit? Thats a bummer. (No, it really is). ?

Livinlife Level 9 Aug 22, 2018

@Captnron59 it's slow work, I know from experience. I didn't drop my in in cow poop, but had a similarly bad experience.


Well that's just the shits. Hope you recover soon.


Just think of all the fun you're going to have loading all the new ones you're going
to find. Happy meming.

KKGator Level 9 Aug 22, 2018

@Captnron59 Okay, so fuck Fb. I keep all my pics and memes in a documents file on my laptop.
There are some on my phone, but I rely mostly on the laptop.

@Captnron59 Okay then. You're fucked.


Well here’s one that seems congruent with your post.

I'm SO stealing this!!! Please and thank you!

@KKGator The originator of this meme is likely long forgotten in the primordial soup of the inter-webs, have it🙂



SukiSue Level 8 Aug 22, 2018
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