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What Would You Do?

sassygirl3869 9 Sep 7
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Take a blowtorch to his fingers

Cofe23 Level 5 Sep 8, 2018

I wouldn't have the heart to step on his fingers, but I wouldn't have the stomach to save him. I'd just walk by and pretend I didn't notice him. Then go home and turn on the television and wait for the good news

Rudy1962 Level 9 Sep 7, 2018

Vigorously shake some black pepper over his head, and walk away.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 7, 2018

I can't let a human been die if I have a chance to try to save it ?
No difference than having to provide care for a pedophile or any as$&@ that I rather see dead . I will have to try to pull him up to safe ground . Then I am gonna kick him on his balls several times .

Pralina1 Level 9 Sep 7, 2018
  • being

I will own it, you are a better woman than I.
I would not have the "compassion" to save some people, if I had the opportunity. I am a firm believer that the herd needs culling.
I do not believe that all people are worth "saving".
I also accept that not everyone would want to save me, if I needed it.

That's it, take the high ground, but remember that stress is when the mind overrides the body's desire to choke the living shit out of someone that really deserves it.

@Captnron59 Rightbackatcha!!!

@KKGator not a better woman. I took an oath to " to not do harm ". And struggle with it over 20 yrs . The best I can do when pedophiles arrive and under my care , I have to walk away to breathe and find the strength . I ve made a promise and the humans trust me that I won't judge or harm . Inside me , and , when not in scrubs , oh man , I have no problem to walk away w the last bottle of water while they are burning their skin off in Sahara desert . I have absolutely no problem to destroy anyone that harms kids , and anyone volnurable . Mr asshole here does not need to die . He needs to be judged and suffer . Death is too easy .

@Pralina1 Good on ya for "walking the walk" and honoring the
oath you took. I admire your character.


does the word hammer come to mind?

glennlab Level 10 Sep 7, 2018
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