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This is actually happening now

Rudy1962 9 Sep 8
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I come prepared ????

Sirena Level 7 Sep 8, 2018



Except this was started with Obama. Trump is just more vocal about it.

nikkir Level 7 Sep 8, 2018

Trump added the no tolerance. That's what has made this worse.

Attribution please

@Science-guy []

@Science-guy @sirena this just needs to stop period. I get on my soapbox please just tell me to simmer

Ok. Um.. simmer down ?

@Sirena thanks. I forget this isn't a political site and do go off on occasion. So I do appreciate the occasional simmer

@nikkir idk if not political. More like fact oriented. But I can respect debating boundaries also ?

I might add the vocal part makes it scarier because, like in Nazi Germany, it is a scapegoating and dehumanizing of a group of people for political gain. Obama administration decided there was no way to decipher which birthcerticates were and were not legitimate, so instead of taking away rights of legitimate citizens they stopped the process. Trump administration has no problems with taking away actual citizens rights. Under the Trump administration ICE can't even find the parents of the children they took away....They sure as hell are not going to figure out which documents are legitimate from decades ago

@KKGator perhaps Rubio and Cruz should be subjected to the same treatment.

@Science-guy As much as I find both of them wholly detestable, I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have to prove you were born here. Especially when the government refuses to accept any documentation you can provide.

In all seriousness, I see direct correlations between this and what the nazis did to the jews in Germany. So, today it's brown people of hispanic descent. Who's it going to be next time? This is wrong.

We're Americans, we're supposed to be better than this. Besides, borders are arbitrary. There have been a lot of people living along the US/Mexico border who were forced to live on one side or the other, when the borders were drawn, who were never consulted.

Same with the northern border with Canada. I mean, for christsakes, they're stopping people in the middle of Maine and Montana, asking for their "papers".

Again, this is really, really WRONG.

@KKGator I totally agree with you. I do hope Americans can at least make a positive change in November. Most Canadians are sitting here in shock at what is happening to our American cousins.

@Science-guy Thanks. Unfortunately, we brought this on ourselves. Not enough people came out to vote against this kind of thing, and now, well, we have to hope that enough people come out to vote in November to start moving things back to center.

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