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You might be old if you remember this...

glennlab 10 Sep 9
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Sometimes I wish I'd kept my old cassette tapes, if only for sentimental purposes. I loved listening to them while I was driving. I used to copy my original tapes onto blank tapes in order to avoid wearing out the originals. Made some pretty decent compilations of favorite songs too 🙂


Oh yeah, funny thing... Still have tons of those and nothing to play them on ???

IamNobody Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

I finally started throwing them out when I find some of the old ones.

@glennlab Any old music likeky can be found in YouTube now a days. My concern is the ones that I have with lots of stuff with the actual voice from friends and relatives. I need to translate those into mp3 but so far procrastination keeps winning the battle


I remember these!

Kojaksmom Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

those were some newfangled doodads you had to buy in the big city. or any town bigger than the one I grew up in. The old consoles had a variable spindle that you had to slip on when you changed from lp's or 78's to 45's. If you wanted to keep your little sister from playing her god awful records, you hid the larger spindle.


Been there, done that 🙂

Me too


Let's go back even farther...

Pennies taped to the tone arm.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 9, 2018

Or a portable record player weighed 50 pounds, had a carrying case with wheels, that doubled as a speaker cabinet, and a slightly longer cord than a console player.

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