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Is this a lesbian act?

Boogey 8 Sep 11
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this lady needs a hobby


The cat seems to know what it's doing. You got to give the pussy what the pussy wants, right?

MrLink Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

😀 funny shit right there..


Talk about a hair ball...

Umbral Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

WTF? Some things cannot be unseen!


Hm. I love my cat, but.....

Livinlife Level 9 Sep 11, 2018

Is the cat female?

glennlab Level 10 Sep 11, 2018

@Boogey well I've always enjoyed eating pussy, but you'd have to shave and cook that one.

@Boogey It is so convoluted at this point. The reality is that if everything she has said so far is true, she committed home invasion and killed the resident. They still haven't submitted it to a grand jury, so there could still be murder or other serious charges. The current DA is up for election in November, she is a black republican that was one of the most incompetent judges in Dallas County so she will try anything to get sympathy (it's complicated) Dallas is a democratic county in a very red state, but she wants to use her blackness to curry favor in the black community , but anything she does to openly curry favor in the black community will alienate her republican base. The police transferred the case to the Texas Rangers who conduct very thorough investigations and have minimal leaks, so most information coming out has not been vetted. While I don't believe her story, I'm going to wait for the full story to come out. I have sources at city hall that are telling me that there will be more coming out and wait.

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